Planning is a legal procedure to which standard questions are applied. Croft Structural + Civil has developed and continues to evolve its documents to ensure that they meet the Council’s planning requirements. For Camden our Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) closely follows the guidance noted in CPG4 introduced in early 2011 (Camden geological, hydrogeological and hydrological study).DP27 in the London Borough of Camden’s Planning is closely tied to CPG4. We have formulated the above documents into a concise document that covers the Camden’s requirements. There are numerous areas that are covered in our BIA. As the Council develops CPG4 and DP27 our BIAs are evolving. Since 2017 Camden have appointed checking engineers who are meticulous to a fault. Their fees are in the region of £3,500-£5,000, Croft have worked closely with their requirements and numerous planning applications have been granted.
Croft Structural + Civil provides a service and which covers:
Desk Study - This forms the bulk of the BIA and will cover:
Screening stage;
Scoping stage;
Impact Assessment Stage
The report will have various specialist inputs: